- Great overview into technology and China, and a pretty clear rundown on why Huawei can’t be trusted (all of those bugs are not there by accident).
- “Killer Slime, Dead Birds, an Expunged Map: The Dirty Secrets of European Farm Subsidies” Here’s more from me, back in 2014.
- The art of the elevator pitch
- A good justification for a year of travel
- Lots of young people are waiting… for houses, partners, adulthood. Related: Poorer men are not getting married, and that’s bad for society.
- Excellent career advice
- AI-generated fake people want to date you
- Neither regulation nor free markets can, on their own, adequately reduce carbon, but they can work together.
- Weaker regulations under Trump (written by lobbyists he put into the EPA) mean more and worse methane leaks, which makes “natural gas” a stronger driver of climate chaos than coal — something that I warned about in 2014 — and my student showed with data.
- The Prisoner’s Dilemma is still good for conversations, 70 years later.
H/Ts to CD and JP