- Neoliberalism’s roots date to a time when the rich wanted to protect their assets by confirming the precedence of voluntary trade over government intervention, but that meaning shifted to “pro-market” in the 1980s and now “crony capitalism” in the eyes of many. What’s the real meaning of neo-liberalism? It depends.
- It’s time for portable identity and a user-centric redesign of Facebook.
- Want to buy and sell in a really free market? Try Open Bazaar.
- The Dutch consumers association goes after packaging lies.
- A prose poem on the wonders of water
- Cruel conditions (death in a Soviet gulag) can teach us about human nature.
- Repeating themes (of humanity)
- The origins of “well-regulated militia”
- The OECD points out that cities should align their planning with tax (and other incentives) because — no duh — incentives can undermine plans.
- Are you excited to have a “circular economy”? Who isn’t? The researchers who found 114 different definitions of the term. Which one do you choose?