- Who killed the recumbent bicycle?
- American cities are starting to remove highways to heal neighbourhoods (often home to minorities) torn apart by policies in the 1950s
- Will bitcoin’s energy consumption (and decentralised blockchain) “unleash” renewables? Related: Bitcoin goes mainstream, so what will happen with its cyberpunk culture?
- Watch: “Sponsored content” on “news” shows is legit disturbing
- Watch: A drum and bass DJ raves thru London on a bike
- Read: The curious structure of Master Classes (e.g., learning to write from Malcolm Gladwell)
- Watch: This is COVID+Satan+metal ridiculous 🙂
- Read: Swimming in the wild will change you
- Watch: I always knew that “raw water” was a bit of a hippie scam, but this video’s ridicule hits a new level
- Watch: Expensive wine is for suckers