- Read: What I learned by taking a month-long break from email
- Listen: Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination
- Read: China is turning inward “due to COVID” but maybe also because its rulers cannot handle any dispute of their (and the nation’s) absolute power?
- Read: National Geographic has a (timely) issue on urban heat, trees, temperature inequality, etc. Recommended.
- Read: As I have feared (for years), climate chaos means mosquitoes are carrying tropical diseases (e.g., West Nile, Zika, etc.) to temperate zones (NL!)
- Watch: Cities aren’t loud, cars are loud
- Listen: Brave New World vs 1984. Which better captured our current lives?
- Read: The Inevitable Weaponization of App Data Is Here
- Listen: Selling vaccination (successfully). Related (?): Watch Jon Stewart go off — in a charming and factual way — on the Wuhan Lab hypothesis.
- Listen [Top economist] Sendhil Mullainathan Thinks Messing Around is the Best Use of Your Time