- Read: The Great Resignation is restoring flexibility to America’s economy (and Americans’ lives) — watch this space!
- Listen: The bizarre ways in which Big Butter tried to stop margarine
- Read: How climate change is causing heavier downpours
- Listen: An insightful look into the physical and financial drivers of commodity prices
- Read: Workers are rethinking the role of “work” in their lives
- Read: David Graeber died last year, but his last book is coming out soon. The Dawn of Everything looks like a good counterargument to those scholars who propose centralised versions of early human settlement.
- Read: The US defence establishment has a new report on the dangers of climate change to national security (e.g., food shortages, refugees, flooded bases). At least SOMEONE is taking it seriously!
- Watch: Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, on how climate activists might start a revolution for change. I hope they succeed!
- Read (in Dutch): Dutch water boards are not that “democratic” and that’s leading to some serious financial stress.
- Watch: Public transport, not dangerous, hackable self driving cars, is the future
H/Ts to IT and PB