Interesting stuff

  1. Read: Portland is suing “enablers” like McKinsey that help firms who are driving climate change. I think that’s a good idea, and it’s discussed in this column, which also has an excellent short history of media companies getting bamboozled by oil lobbyists.
  2. Listen (related) to this discussion of climate deniers’ abuse of the “scientific method” (e.g., “more study required).
  3. Listen to a shepherd explain how there’s more to life than just money, i.e., community, balance, and so on.
  4. We find that extreme heat is positively associated with farmer suicide
  5. Read a Black academic’s thoughts on the negative consequences of affirmative action. I agree with him as I’ve seen some really poor decisions made in the name of “diversity” that backfired in multiple ways. As far as admissions to universities are concerned, I think legacy/donor favoritism should be dropped. In terms of early school achievement, etc.? I’d go for baby bonds, free school meals, school choice (vouchers), and [takes a deep breath] more autonomy for teachers to deliver.
  6. I’m shocked, shocked to read that Dutch consumers lowered their natural gas consumption by 21% due to higher prices. More carbon taxes please!
  7. Listen: Why is the US so good at killing pedestrians?

H/T to PB

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Author: David Zetland

I'm a political-economist from California who now lives in Amsterdam.

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