- Read: Students and academics are too ignorant of reality to lecture anyone on morality.
- Watch: The lies that sell fast fashion
- Watch: A good explanation of how “more lanes” only invites more sprawl… and the same traffic jams.
- Read: “Clean-energy investment in America is off the charts…” but it won’t matter if utilities block grid-transformation.
- Read what the US needs to do to get its nuclear energy industry back in shape.
- Watch: Cities need to lower (car) speed limits if they want to stop
car murders“accidental deaths” - El Niño update: Summer will scorch; La Niña means stronger Fall hurricanes.
- Listen: John Stuart Mill & Harriet Taylor Mill – Liberalism’s original power couple.
- Watch: Saudi Arabia promotes oil demand… at the same time as “promising” to meet climate goals. (I’m shocked, shocked!)
- The American Dream™ these days means lobbying government to pay you other people’s money. Trump and his cronies will do this even more bigly than before…