Interesting stuff about Japan

Here are some interesting articles from The Atlantic’s archive:

1898: The Social and Domestic Life of Japan — written by a Japanese visitor to the US. Fascinating.

1941 (Feb): An American rationalizes the weaknesses they see in Japan as a reason to ignore Japan. Whoops.

1947: The Japanese language needs to be simplified if the nation is going to prosper.

1964: Can Japan pull off the Olympics?

1986: The Japanese Are Different From You and Me, i.e., trying to understand our “competitors”

1986: Why are the Japanese thin? The author claims “no fat” but “less sugar” also plays a role, IMO.

1989: Americans may have a hard time competing with the Japanese when it’s culturally acceptable to sacrifice one’s self (long hours, low consumption) for the greater good.

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Author: David Zetland

I'm a political-economist from California who now lives in Amsterdam.

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