Interesting stuff

  1. A late night Dutch commentator (Arjen Lubach) resigns the world to America’s (potential) loss of democracy. Watch, in English, from here.
  2. Watch: A day with a barista at Grand Central Station.
  3. The promise and peril of [a journalist deciding to] “just go independent”
  4. Listen to how entrepreneurs “delivered” ship safety (via lighthouses) and pollination (via bees) — both of which “academics who didn’t leave the library to talk to real people” claimed must be provided by the state.
  5. Listen to this insightful discussion of “Why Home Insurance in Florida Is a Mess
  6. “In welfare economics, government failure is what happens when authorities can’t fix market failures. But of course, governments are able to fail all by themselves and, frankly, on a scale that dwarfs market failures, for sheer social damage and human suffering.” Listen for more.
  7. “Boys and men are trending downward in education, employment, and mental health.” How can that trend be fixed, without messing up women’s lives? Listen.
  8. Listen to some really interesting history of Scotland.
  9. An American reflects on how ugly the country looks from Europe. Watch.
  10. Listen to a clear explanation of how politicians make housing more expensive.

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Author: David Zetland

I'm a political-economist from California who now lives in Amsterdam.

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